Gulam Seedat - Specification Sales Manager
Gulam joined NIBE in 2024 as Specification Sales Manager. He’s been working in the HVAC industry for almost twenty-five years, starting out in installation before turning to sales.
Gulam believes that having a good grounding in the practical side of things, including system design, has helped him in his sales roles providing him with a greater understanding of what installers need.
Skilled in management, product development, engineering, business development, and business strategy, Gulam has always been interested in how things work - mechanical and biological. He studied bio-medics at university and has a degree in Physiology and Pharmacology. Over the years, Gulam has found that his understanding of human biological systems has helped him get to grips with HVAC. “On the most basic level,” says Gulam, “there’s a good degree of overlap and in many cases the plant room can be compared to the human body.”
Gulam spent ten years at Danfoss before he joined NIBE, where he got the chance to work on an extensive heat network project for the City of Bristol, a council-led initiative District Energy Scheme designed to decarbonise the city. It was an exciting project that gave Gulam the opportunity to develop his skills and get involved in designing ever-larger heating, hot water and HVAC systems using renewable energy sources.
Gulam is thrilled to have joined the team at NIBE:
“This is a great industry to be working in. There’s lots of energy and excitement about new technological advances at NIBE and I’m glad to be involved in the development and dissemination of new products that will give the installers of the future the hardware they need to build systems that really work.
“Education is so important. We need to fully enable the installers so that they in turn can inform the public – the end users. We need to make people understand that the small first steps they take, like installing new thermostats and insulating their houses properly, really makes a difference when you’re thinking about renewables.”
“NIBE has some great products. I’m particularly impressed with our Exhaust Air Heat Pump, which is space friendly, measuring just 600 x 600 – the size of a typical fridge. It offers those living in smaller flats / apartments and houses a great alternative to fossil fuels in heating, cooling, and providing hot water. I’m planning to install one at my house!”
What helps you keep motivated?
My passion for supporting future generations. I love working in a cutting-edge sector where the work I do can make a real difference.
What qualifications do you have?
I have a BSc (Hons) in Physiology and Pharmacology from University College London.
What’s your biggest achievement?
My family. I have a wonderful wife and two lovely daughters who both work in engineering. One works for BT and the other is a mechanical and electrical engineer. I am very proud of them both.
What’s your favourite food?
I love fish and chips.
What’s your favourite drink?
I’m a Muslim, so I don’t drink alcohol, but I enjoy fizzy drinks.
Does pineapple belong on a pizza?
Absolutely! (My favourite pizza would have tuna, sweetcorn, anchovies and prawns).
What’s your favourite TV show or film?
On the TV it would be the Big Bang Theory and at the cinema it’s Star Wars. I love anything that’s set in the future – that and the power of the Jedi!
What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learnt in life?
Whenever an opportunity comes along, you should grasp it with both hands.
What advice would you give your younger self?
To follow your passion and to use the skills you have, to work through challenges.
What's the best thing about working at NIBE?
NIBE is a forward-thinking organisation, providing innovative solutions that tackle environmental challenges one step at a time on the decarbonisation journey.
What do you do in your spare time?
I enjoy travelling to new destinations and I head the food bank project in my local area.
Are you a dog or a cat person?
I was neither until two years ago, when my daughter decided to bring a cat home. Since then, the cat and I have become the best of buddies!
How do you like your coffee?
Milk with one sugar please.