Available Heat Pump Funding in the UK

Available Heat Pump Funding in the UK

NIBE Family Inside

Boiler Upgrade Scheme

England & Wales

Boiler Upgrade Scheme

Under the scheme, homeowners can claim up to £7,500 towards the cost of an air source or ground source heat pump. BUS vouchers will have validity periods of 3 months for air source and 6 months for ground source heat pumps

All you need to know about the Boiler Upgrade Scheme

NIBE Family Gardening

Home Upgrade Grant

England & Wales

Home Upgrade Grant

The Home Upgrade Grant is £750 million of funding for local authorities in England to improve the energy performance and heating systems of off gas grid homes. This funding is for low-income households at EPC D or below. We recommend that you check with your council if you’re eligible here.

You can find more information about energy grants here.

NIBE Family

Home Energy Scotland


Home Energy Scotland

The Scottish Government provide a range of funding options for households considering low carbon heating technologies. Subject to availability, they offer grant funding and an interest free loan through the Home Energy Scotland scheme. The aim of this initiative is to reduce energy consumption and costs, whilst supporting decarbonisation.

Read more here

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Our NIBE Pro Installers are all MCS certified meaning they can give you access to government funding.