Renovated Rural Farmhouse
When Tom Foote renovated his five-bedroom farmhouse four years ago, he certainly had a task on his hands. At over 100 years old, the property’s considerable age meant that it was in poor condition, but Tom had plans to give it a second – more sustainable – life. While the renovations initially led to an oil-fired central heating system being fitted, high quality insulation measures, glazing and underfloor heating were also installed to prepare the farmhouse for low temperature heating. Fast-forward to December 2020 and Tom decided to revisit his green ambitions and switch out the oil-fired central heating system with a renewable appliance
The Solution
As luck would have it, Tom is a member of 1314 Renewables Limited, a new renewable energy installer based in Scotland. Knowing the renewables market inside out, it was not hard for Tom to reach a decision that a heat pump would be the most suitable technology to install, specifically the latest NIBE S1155-12 ground source heat pump. Heat pumps operate on low temperatures and therefore, increase energy efficiency in a home. With underfloor heating already in place Tom was already well on his way to his sustainable dreams.
The installation process only took 12 days and alongside this other low carbon products were also installed - the NIBE Megacoil solar 300l DHW cylinder, NIBE UKV100 buffer vessel and NIBE solar thermal hot water system. This meant that Tom could enter the New Year with a sustainably heated home.
Conveniently, there is a small stream on the property grounds and a bespoke heat exchanger was made and installed within the stream as the heat source for the NIBE heat pump. This was a cost-effective measure and has further enhanced the pump’s efficiency.
By utilising the natural water source, a brine temperature of approximately 8-9 degrees C is being achieved in the winter months meaning the heat pump is achieving a Seasonal Coefficient of Performance (SCOP) of over 5 and system seasonal efficiency (SPF) or 4. Coupled with this Tom will save £1237/annum over his previous heating costs and is claiming £4915 on the Renewable Heat Incentive.
Given the short time period for the installation process it is no surprise to hear that NIBE ground source heat pump was easy to install. An installer in Tom’s 1314 Renewables team commented that the heat pump was ‘extremely easy to navigate and the intuitive controller, modulating brine and circulating pumps were very easy to commission’.
Tom commented – ‘I would very much recommend the heat pump and have already done so to friends and family! It is very simple to use and the touchscreen controller is very intuitive meaning our house stays at a constant temperature. Our bills have reduced, and we are happy to say that we are no longer burning oil.’
Given the ease of this installation and subsequent carbon and monetary savings for Tom it is hoped that others will be encouraged to follow his lead.
About the installer
1314 Renewables specialise in the design, installation, commissioning & maintenance of all things renewable. This includes heat pumps, solar PV and thermal, MVHR, EV car charging and battery storage.